Sunday, July 21, 2013

Along came a little girl...

I'm a sentimentalist and knew before Ellie was even born that she would have my heart wrapped around her tiny finger. When I love, I tend to give my whole heart and and it's easy to be wildly indulgent with gifts and gestures.

The first time I met Ellie she was so tiny, and so beautiful. She was quiet while I held her close to me, and she reached out and took my finger and squeezed. I had no idea that such a tiny person could have such a strong grip! My sister Stacy was recovering well from her delivery, and her hair somehow managed to look great even after all she'd been through. My brother-in-law Brian was proud and excited, and I knew that he was going to be an amazing dad. I was happy for Ellie that she was born into our family, because she was going to be so loved and doted on. 

I have another niece and two nephews that I greatly enjoy spending time with and loving, but I know that my relationship with Ellie will be different. Roger and I have had the opportunity to watch Ellie grow and learn and it's important to us to be close with her as she continues to experience new things and develop her personality. She's not quite 2 years old now, so she can't read my musings about her and her life and our feelings about her yet, but I hope that when she can read she'll enjoy this blog devoted to her. 

My Sis is a conscientious mother who has worked very hard to create the life she has for her and her family, and I am so proud of her. She's beyond funny, competitive, laid-back and damn she knows what she wants. I admire her for wanting the best for Ellie and working hard to help provide for her family. My brother-in-law Brian is the best dad ever. Ellie runs to him and I see his eyes light up and it's so clear to see that little girl has completely changed his life. He's a big guy, and when he carries Ellie it's sweet to see how gently he holds her and to watch her wrap her arms around his neck. It's always fun to visit and see what new experiences will greet us!

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